Let The Partying Begin
We had another temperate but rainy day. I slept in with Millie snuggling next to me. After breakfast, I began putting away the rest of the Christmas decorations that had been collected in the dining room. As usual, my ADHD self got distracted often and I found myself in another room doing something totally unrelated. At last, the dining room is completely back in place. Hubby worked on financial paperwork while I cleaned. After lunch, we picked up Brooklyn from the bus stop at her Mom’s school and took her home to get ready for basketball practice. We then looked for blip opportunities. A flock of vultures had congregated in a tree along our route looking for a meal. Hubby stopped and let me click away but it was such a grey day, the photos were not very good. We went shopping for a couple items since we were out. This Super Bowl party supplies display meets you as you enter the store. My sister and BIL may be in WV on Super Bowl Sunday so our party will be minimal. One of the local churches is offering BBQ carry outs; we will order a few of those. Our kids will probably invite us to their parties but I really do not enjoy loud gatherings as there will be on game day. How times have changed…. Dinner is prepared so again, it will be a quiet evening. Thanks for dropping by. Stay safe. We have a very nasty virus going around in our area. Some friends have it and are down for the count. Hope we avoid it. Another friend has had a fever since Christmas. Doctors are baffled; his body is not responding to antibiotics. His wife asks for prayers. No other news. “Life changes, and thus, partying changes, and what it means to party evolves as well.” – Andrew W.K.
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