
By KCNQ2Haiku


Pure snow glee from Ben!
First discovered by Leo 
in the early hours.

We had a really good night with Leo, it was such a relief. I actually slept well.  He woke at 2am and we went out for a wee, that was when we discovered the snow!  Then Ben woke at 3am which woke Leo up.. but I decided not to go down straight away and he settled himself, I was so pleased.  I went downstairs properly at 6am and it all felt very civilised!  We were supposed to go to school at 8:30am but the sat nav said it would take an hour in the weather, that didn't seem very 'Ben friendly' so I decided to just watch and see what happened and Ben went in the garden to play, he was just so joyous to watch! It only lasted a few minutes and then he was anxious about what time he was going in and what the traffic was doing and whether he could have extra food.  But it is fun to see him happy, I'll put more in extras.  Leo came in the car with us today and that was fun, he was so calm and staff were very keen to see him.  He does have the initial 'cute' appeal!!  Then I had a nice chat with my mum and a neighbour came over to meet Leo, so all in all a decent day. Fingers crossed for another good night..

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