Palest pink

Chris sent me this during the day so it should be his blip.  He’s finished painting the two rooms, bathroom and little sitting room,  in the old part of the house.  In electric light it barely looks pink at all but in sunlight it looks quite strongly pink. Anyway, I’m pleased! 

Whizzed up to London to have lunch with our friend and commissioner from the BBC who is leaving to become yet another competitor.  We took him out to Noble Rot in Soho and it was lovely sitting in the cold light of a January lunchtime in that beautiful old room.  

Noemi, who lives on the destroyed Hook line drove from Poole to Maidenhead and caught the Elizabeth line in.  She won’t be doing that every day but it was good to have us all in the office. 

Home reasonably early and watched the first episode of The Last of Us 

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