I Will Survi......

A frosty morning, turned into a fine morning, breezy but sunny spells and the odd shower.  Some wintery showers this evening. 

Early shift again in the airport.  I started the day on the check-in desk, but soon moved to help with oil and gas flights the rest of the day.  Nipped into Laura's on my way home, also Madeline's.  Met friend Julie for walkies this evening, and then mam popped by for a cuppa.  Off to bed early.  Ten years ago today since my granny Margaret passed away. Never a day goes by I don't think of her. 

A hard frost this this morning, and it didn't get much warmer. It's warm enough to thaw the snow, most of the snow left is high up on the hills.  The wintery showers might give it a dusting again tomorrow, with another cold day ahead.  The cold spell might help this snowman for another night, he's looking pör aamos (frail) now.  Taken at the Quee, Clapphoull, Cunningsburgh.  

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