Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go


We had another quake at 11pm last night! Just a little one, centred in Lyttelton, and I'd think some people would have slept right through it. I was editing some pics, sitting at the table, and the sudden juddering thump made me jump! We haven't had one for quite a while, and it took me by surprise.

This photo wasn't from damage sustained last night though. It's the back of shops in High St in the CBD, and shows damage done in the February 2011 quakes. I'm not sure what's going to happen to these shops, but you'll see that the buildings in front have been demolished.

I've been editing and organising images for a slideshow that I'm going to present at the local Kayak Network tonight. I'm so relieved that that job is all done and I'll be even more relieved once the show's over!

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