A Moment in Time
The plan for today's blip didn't happen, because I looked out to sea this morning, just to see what it was looking like, and saw these God's Eyes. I just couldn't help myself. Off to get the camera, wanting to make a pano of the horizoned God's Eyes, and here's one of the results. It was an amazing sight - I'm not sure that I've ever seen so many at once.
They didn't last long. I went upstairs to get a better vantage point, and they'd all but disappeared. I felt like I'd experienced 'a moment in time'.
There's a quote by Michael Novak that I like, which may or may not fit with this for you. In God's eyes, there's not before and after. Every moment of time is simultaneous to God.
I know that those shafts of light aren't really God's Eyes, but it certainly was a moment in time this morning, and I felt really privileged to have seen it.
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