Snow is Blowing

Snow overnight and all morning.  Sun came out for a while.  Fairly calm all day, a breeze picked up this evening.  Meant to be more snow tonight. 

Up at 5am, and the roads weren't too bad when I headed to work (niece Megan has lent me her car).  Think the snow got worse after 7am.  Back to work in the airport, finally.  Thankfully not an overly busy day, as we had a lot of weather delays, even our first Aberdeen flight was cancelled.  I've mostly been working on the check-in desk.  I've had Sammy for two walks this evening, each time coming in to warm by the peat fire.  Off to bed early. 

Due to the heavy snow, the airport was snow closed first thing, finally getting the runways open by 1130am.  Before it could reopen, they needed to clear the snow.  Various things were used, gritters, de-icers, and then the snow blower.  I've not seen it in action before, but it doesn't half clear the snow.  It would handy to have one for the front if the car.  The tractor busy clearing snow, Sumburgh Airport.  

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