Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Very very cold and icy this morning. Denise took Archie out, JR went to the gym, and I took the bus to Stockbridge Health Centre to have a ‘leg scan’. I didn’t realise what it was, but it’s just measuring blood pressure in my legs and arms to check if they’re near enough the same. Yes, they were, meaning that I do have plenty of circulation in my legs. I could have told them that, as I’ve had a less high-tech arm/leg blood pressure test ages ago, and it must be on my health notes. My leg pains have been diagnosed as spondylolythesis, and could, maybe, fingers crossed, with the wind in the right direction, be fixed by a steroid injection in my spine. It looks like my physiotherapist/neurologist and the surgery doctors are not really speaking to each other… mainly because I see a different doctor almost every time I go there. Still, it’s all progress.

I then had a pleasantly long bus journey right through town and across to the vet’s. I even went up the stairs, and you do get a good view into people’s houses and gardens. Luckily that bus went exactly where I wanted to go to pick up Archie’s pills. 

Back home in time for JR to go round and sit with Pip, as his mum was going out, and he’s still not fit to come round here. He’s STILL wearing his drainage stuff and coat, nine days after the event. (Extra)

Archie and I then went to the graveyard, as it was so nice and sunny, though I was VERY careful as the pavements round here are still icy.

Talking of a dog attack - and the one of Pip was bad enough - but there was one a few days ago, down south, where a young woman dog walker got attacked by her (eight) dogs and they killed her! Just ordinary pet dogs, though one was an 11 stone Leonberger. The owners must be in a state of shock too. The young woman has not been named yet, but her family and friends must be absolutely devastated. I waken up at night and think about her. She probably LOVED dogs, LOVED her job, LOVED being out in the woods on a sunny day. Maybe she was a wife, a mother, but definitely a daughter and a friend… unbearably sad.

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