
We embraced the driving rain this morning and squelched and splashed our way around the village. Once we got into the swing of it, we found it quite exhilarating - although Merlin took more convincing than me! He isn’t at all keen on the rain.

The river in the village has burst its banks but thankfully it is just the road and fields which have flooded. I had an anxious few moments when a boy walking his dog, let it off it’s lead into the river. The dog quickly got out of its depth and was unable to swim against the strong current. Thankfully the river was not very deep at that point and the boy was able to wade in (up to his thighs) to pull his dog out. So easy for the situation to have escalated into something more serious.

Tonight we’re having an Indian takeaway as it’s been a bit of a week! Various things have occurred including our neighbour’s bins blowing into our car in the strong winds and causing over £1000 of damage.

Hoping for a peaceful and cosy evening and wishing that for others too.

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