
Can you see who I see?

This morning we walked to our friend, Susi's house, because she wanted Ann to countersign her new passport application. Ann normally sees Susi at least once a week because Ann & Susi take it in turns to cook each other dinner. However, we haven't seen Susi since New Year's Eve because the humans have been doing 'dry January' and dinner always involves drinking a lot of wine. Lol! 'Dry January' only lasted four days for Susi, so Ann hasn't wanted to see Susi in case she persuaded her to give in to temptation.

Mmmmmm............... not even Ann & Susi drink wine at 10.30 in the morning, so we popped around for a coffee. Ann has known Susi for almost 45 years. They met when they both worked in the tea rooms at the Botanic Gardens in 1977, but in the whole of that time, they can't remember when they last had a coffee together??? When Susi's son was a teenager (he's mid 30s now), he referred to Ann & Susi as the 'Ab Fab Girls'. Ann took that to be a compliment. Lol!

Anyway, Susi has two cats – Missy, who spends most of her time lying on the bed. And Freddie who is normally outside exploring. Cats don't really bother me, but often I don't go to Susi's because both the cats are very timid and Ann doesn't think it's fair to have a dog intruding in their home all the time.
In the past, if I've been in the kitchen and Freddie has wanted to come in, he's run away if he's spotted me. Today he just stood outside his cat flap staring at me until Ann physically removed me. Then he ran through the kitchen into the living room so that he could have a snooze.

Poor little Freddie is being bullied. There's a new cat in the neighbourhood who is terrorising him, so he's had to change the times that he goes out. A couple of weeks before Christmas the nasty bully attacked him and he ended up at the vets for antibiotics and pain killers, costing Susi almost £100. Why are cats so territorial? I'd love to have a garden to play in and if other little doggies wanted to come into my garden to play with me, I'd be more than happy to let them.

So that's been our day. I had another little trek around on my lead this afternoon, but it's been raining on and off all day and I've not had any run about time.

Our weather app (which often lies) is showing dry weather for the next week. Yay!

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