
I have spent most of today processing panoramas from yesterday's shots. So, I thought I would take a local one today, of the view over the Eastern half of Rochdale from near Milnrow.

The rest of the day was taken-up with switching broadband suppliers. The plugging-in and entering passwords business was straightforward - as soon as I realised the mains plug for the router wasn't properly inserted into the socket. But three phone calls to the outgoing provider revealed dissension amongst their staff on the question as to whether we can retain our former email address.

Call one said "yes, perfectly simple."

But a test didn't work.

Call two said "oh no, we can never do that."

I explained that a) call one had told me it was simple; and b) that my parents had done so, from the same supplier, recently.

"Oh, you'd better speak to customer services."

After 20 minutes of the same annoying tune, customer services said "yes it can be done but there is currently an outage."

10 minutes later technical support said the same thing.

5 minutes later a test email arrived but a reply will not be sent because, I was later assured, of the outage.

Plus, my Mac's memory is choked with all the large photo files, including some panoramas that were over 500MB! So, much happy time has been spent downsizing and transferring the ones I want to an external hard drive.

I suppose you will now all tell me where I went wrong. Those of you who are still awake.

Now, come on Wigan!

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