Heavy Rain?

I got another visit from Squirrel this morning.
She can be a wonderful child.

Heavy rain was forecast this morning.
What we got was colourful clouds.
Over Here are two shots out the front of the house and two out the back.

Mid morning I went out to the garage to cobble up a repair the the clip on light I use when turning. When I left the garage it was smelling strongly of raspberry jam .... I started using the piece of Raspberry Jam Wood. Unfortunately the smell doesn't last long.

SWMBO and I were going to visit my sister this afternoon. First we had to go and collect her handbag from my brother-in-law's parents where she had left it yesterday (and I thought I was the one with the memory problem). It turns out she is on the books for the Glasgow Memory Clinic as opposed to me being on the NHS (Scotland) books. At least she gets paid for it!

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