Well That Didn't Work

We got a visit from Squirrel this morning before school.
She was dropped off in our street by Bags on her way to work as it is the most convenient place so came to say Hello and show off her rather natty new waterproof coat (she had no idea it was called a Parka) that she bought with some of her Christmas money.
She is a nice, thoughtful lass really (sometimes).

Having refused to pay the price for a pair of slippers in M&S yesterday, SWMBO and I went to Sainsbury's where I got a pair like short boots for the grand total of £6 ..... and very toasty they are too.
We also went to another couple of 'cheap end' shops for a couple of sundries to go in the 'tins' cupboard.

Having seen a couple of pictures of catkins recently I thought I would throw my hat into the ring and go out and shoot those on the Hazel.
I bought it as a Contorted Hazel (and that is what I photographed  with the other shots over here) but half of it has reverted to the original form with straight, really tall, stems and thinking about it, I am not convinced there are any catkins on them. I will need to check tomorrow. In the autumn I found a couple of hazelnuts on the ground, but I am not sure which 'side' they came from.

I am not sure what went wrong to give the movement in the main shot - especially as the flash was used, but I rather like it.

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