Bloomin’ Gorgeous!
Frank bought me the Hyacinths and he also grew the Orchid from cuttings - he ended up with 5 new plants! The Hyacinths are flopping over, Frank has put some supports in after I took the photo.
I spent yesterday afternoon and all day today spring cleaning. Yesterday the bedroom and and today the kitchen. We moved all our stuff back into the bedroom. It’s nice to be back in the king size bed!
We’re having a clear out too so we have a box for the charity shop.
I love getting rid of stuff!
Tonya sent a photo of their living room today with the curtains up and the armchair someone gave them next to her guitar, it’s looking nice.
I’m glad the flat has new carpets in. She also said the heating is working and it’s nice and warm. It’s storage heaters and I was a bit worried it might not be warm enough but the flat is small so probably won’t take much to heat.
It’s been a really wet and dark day today and now there’s a strong wind too.
I’ve tired myself out today so off to bed now.
Goodnight Blippers and thanks for all your lovely and supportive comments, stars and hearts. :-)X
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