Back On The Treadmill

Figuratively speaking….
PST Christmas housework and clean up commenced relatively early this morning. By mid day I had worked my way down from our loft bedroom to the ground floor. This involved emptying the hoover collection bin five times, the washing machine on three cycles, two for bath towels, hand towels and tea towels, a dishwasher full of glasses followed by a second made up of the usual. It’s not that we haven’t kept on top of things more of we couldn’t be bothered over the last weekend.
I took Paddy for his walk before heading off to my first meeting of 2023, a two hour one that will remain in my memory for a while!!

Home for a salad, hot mince pies and custard followed by my book.

Todays photo, the remains of a tree stump affected by rot and pest attack and on one of our walk routes.

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