My Restless Lens

By terri365


It was sooooo dark when I went out this morning with the dog.  I almost crawled back into bed!  I have been going out just after 8 to avoid the dark...  and we got soaked too!

Got my head down this morning on a project I have been procrastinating with...  Once I got into it, it wasn't as bad as I thought...  Result!

A few phone calls to sort a few other projects out and an email from an engineer who is not doing his job properly!  I think he's a bit miffed that I pointed out something that I wasn't sure was achievable.  I think he has rushed the project... 

Then I checked the progress of a Planning application.  A neighbour has objected to an extension due to light and overshadowing on a first floor window of his...  The overall height of the extension is lower than his window...  some people!!!  ;-)

The evening walk was just as dark as this morning with added fog as a bonus!

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