Celestial News Network

On This Day In History
2000: AOL-Time Warner founded

Quote Of The Day
"Prior to e-mail, our private correspondence was secured by a government institution called the postal service. Today we trust AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Facebook or Gmail with our private utterances."
(John Battelle)

If the New Year fortune you purchase in a Japanese shrine predicts a good year for you, you keep it. If the omikuji predicts a bad year, you tie it to a tree or frame in the shrine. Thankfully, my omikuji predicted a very good year so I have kept it. 

"This is C.N.N."

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say.”
(Edward Snowden)

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