
By NightOwl45

A More Positive Day

I woke up in a lot of pain this morning and it took me almost three hours to function. I slept well so I must have been lying in a poor position. I did as many of my physio exercises from the chronic pain physiotherapist as I could manage - the standing on one foot one is proving a big challenge with the burnt foot but managed most of the sitting, standing and stretching ones and was proud of my determination.

I had set my alarm for 7.40am as I wanted to be up to watch the 8am news and get myself functioning ahead of my telephone GP appointment. Thankfully, it was with my own GP and she was really helpful and I explained to her about the burnt foot saga. I told her I intended to ring Social Work for a shower seat and asked if she could support me in getting this done as quickly as possible, which she did.

I made lunch and unfortunately accidentally left my mobile on silent and had a missed call that I recognised as the Council - Social Work, I thought. I didn’t attempt a shower this morning as I was so exhausted and still am drained. I might try tonight with the camping chair. I’ve been struggling to keep my eyes open all day.

Anyway, after much discussion and with the support of a very pleasant administrator, I was told I would get a shower seat delivered between tomorrow and Wednesday of this week. This afternoon, I had a good rest and elevated my foot which has helped a good bit but the pain is still pretty intense. I dozed off for a wee while this afternoon and awoke to a text confirming delivery of the shower seat tomorrow which has really cheered me up.

I’m still tempted to shower tonight with the camping chair if I can manage after dinner and more rest as the district nurse is coming tomorrow between 8am and 8pm to change my foot dressing and I’m feeling so grubby and embarrassed.

I’m going to ask about a boot as I tried putting my trainer on my burnt foot today and it’s still swollen and tender and I could only just get it on but it flared up the pain.

I watched some of the snooker and texted one of my best friends. He has been feeling anxious since yesterday as he lost his medications and I tried to calm him down over text and told him to ring up his GP and explain that he needed replacement meds. I asked him if he had looked around the house and checked everywhere and he said he had and he couldn’t understand where they had gone. 

Hopefully, he gets them replaced as soon as possible as he relies on them for his mood and sleep. I would like to think that I reassured him and calmed him down as he was pretty panicked. I’ll text him later and check he is okay and that he has ate dinner because he is not too good at eating regularly.

Today’s Blip is a doodle I drew on Art Set on my iPad this morning to distract myself from the pain. The extras are the ready meal Mac Cheese I had for lunch - I was absolutely starving for some reason. I try and choose lower salt ready meals when I don’t feel well enough to cook from scratch. The quote is one I came across today which made me smile because I found it so relatable.

I’m going to have a ready made lasagne for dinner tonight - a bit of a carb heavy day but my body is craving energy. I will try and have some blueberries and peaches for dessert to kid myself that I am doing my best to be healthy haha!

I try and avoid too much sugar but I am incredibly tempted to eat the last leftover Chocolate Bombe (filled with mini marshmallows) as well! 

I’m going to watch the last episode of Stonehouse on catch up tonight after I watch Coronation Street and River City - my two favourite soaps :)

I hope everyone has had a pleasant Monday as Mondays go! I still need to do Duolingo German and catch up with Blip and email AnnieBench on Blip which I will try to do tonight/tomorrow :) xx

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