
By NightOwl45

The Shower Saga Continues!

Feeling pretty wiped out today. My fatigue is off the scale and so I didn’t manage a shower as I had hoped. I have sent an additional email to Social Work expressing my dissatisfaction. I will discuss this more tomorrow.

However, sheer bloody determination enabled me to haul the (thankfully) lightweight camping chair out of the cupboard and I checked that it was steady enough to take my weight. 

I don’t know what I weigh as I don’t weigh myself because I get too bogged down by the number on the scales but I am a generally a UK Size 10/12 and it coped with my weight okay - good news! I’m a determined old bisom if nothing else!

I dragged it into the shower and tried it out for size in the cubicle (which thankfully has a non-slip grip base) and it just fits and no more but I think I might be able to manage if I am really careful and bring my newly acquired walking stick into the bathroom.

I have been very fatigued today so I decided to attempt a shower tomorrow morning and concentrate on resting my foot today. A friend brought me round a Sunday newspaper this morning which was really kind of her and much appreciated as she knows I enjoy relaxing with a paper at the weekend, particularly on a Sunday.

I also texted back a few friends as I hadn’t been able to answer them due to a technical hitch topping up my mobile but all sorted now thankfully. I get incredibly frustrated with tech! I have endless patience for people, especially children and older adults but not for computers, TVs or mobiles!

I have been watching the snooker, which is the only sport I enjoy watching. It really lifted my spirits as I rested my foot.

I’m going to improvise a cling film and masking tape screen around the shower cubicle and curtain to avoid too much water spraying out of the shower and soaking the bathroom floor in case I slip. Wish me luck for tomorrow’s shower. I can’t wait to have a proper full body wash after eight days of sink washes and dry shampoo - dry shampoo irritates my eczema.

I have a telephone appointment with my own GP tomorrow so hoping she will offer further support re my fibro and my foot burn going forward.

It’s been pretty wet here today again but it is January and to be expected. I still feeling heart sorry for all of the local businesses in town who have been severely flooded and for those in and around the area who have had their homes damaged. A friend of mine who lets holiday homes for a living has had a couple of his properties very badly water damaged and he has ME/CFS - it must be so exhausting for him. He is such a lovely person - why do awful things happen to kind people, I ask myself?

Today’s extra is my horoscope for the week ahead from the Sunday supplement in today’s newspaper. I am a firm believer in astrology and spirituality but I don’t believe in newspaper/magazine astrologers as I think it’s just a journalist making them up! However, that said, a wee bit of me is hopeful that this week’s predictions are accurate haha!

Still got my Duolingo German to do later. Going to watch the Harry interview on telly tonight. I believe his side of the story for what it’s worth. 

I have been a little triggered by some of the snippy comments I have read on social media regarding his interview and the extracts that were released from his upcoming book on the news yesterday. 

I don’t think violence is ever acceptable and I think he is genuinely trying to speak his truth about what must have been an incredibly toxic family environment to navigate. He is also a Virgo - one of the Earth signs - and they are generally truthful, warm and kind people in my experience. I think he has a lot of his late mother’s personality traits. Incidentally, she believed in astrology and having her fortune told.

Thanks for all your kind comments, stars and hearts as well as for all your safe showering  advice haha…I really do appreciate everyone who takes the time to comment on my posts and offer solutions.

Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. 

I will try and catch up with comments, stars and hearts between tonight and tomorrow :) xx

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