
By sharon143

Not many opportunities for photos recently . Yesterday I went up to the church hall to drop off some foodbank stuff. A was there doing the same so we ended up staying for 2.5 hours and sorted out all the bags and boxes containing random donations . It was very satisfying to get it done but had had enough by the end! Went for coffee afterwards in a nice coffee shop which also sold very nice ‘stuff. A went to collect her grandson from school and I went to do some food shopping. Nice chat withD about Orkney holiday and weekends. Collected the m and s donations in the evening- had to make two journeys- good job I only live around the corner.
Back up to food bank on Saturday in the pouring rain for the usual fortnightly packing and delivery. We’re up to 62 families now so it’s big operation and we were trying out some new processes. They worked well and we can easily tweak them . Went with A on her delivery run as F wasn’t free and it’s much better with two in the car. Eventually got home and collapsed on the sofa with a cup of tea. Did a few Saturday jobs and then went for a quick walk along theTrent as it had stopped raining. Think the afternoons are getting a bit lighter- photo was taken close to 4.30. Got home and realised I had planned to go to Beeston to look for fabric but shop closed at 4.30.

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