Growing old disgracefully



There is nothing quite like getting a letter from my favourite Canadian grand daughter, especially when it is three pages long, written in glittery pink and details what I have to buy in for when she comes in August, including lima beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and sugar snap peas - and, just to prove she is her Granny's grandchild - a chocolate bar.

Yoga was hard going this morning, as were most things, but by the afternoon I was feeling better and pottered away in the greenhouse, potting up the tomatoes, and planting some broccoli seeds. It was wild outside and it felt good being snug under the glass. I suspect the plants feel the same.

I don't do a lot of TV watching, but I am loving the BBC programme on the Hebrides. These programmes are always enlivened with comments from the Professor, a feeble Geordie who believes Scotland is a cold wet, windy place. So Ewan Macgregor is telling us that the redstart has travelled thousands of miles from South Africa to raise its family in the Hebrides. 'Must be off its f***ing trolley.' opines the Prof.

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