I did it ......

I slept a bit longer after my long night studying and did bits and bobs.
Called a few people, prepped my desk for the reading later and walked with Neil to the post office to post Sarah's parcel.
We stopped at NYD for a coffee and I had a salad as I thought in needed some food before the session.
I was back home just after 4 pm and was ready to do my first ever Human Design reading with Pei-I at 4:30pm.

I think it went well - she definitely wants to know more now hahaha.

I went a bit over time as I did not watch the clock.
We chatted a bit longer and I had not much time between this call and the next zoom with Melanie Moore, the Vision board and tapping girl.
We dod some Fuul Moon release practices and it was great.

Then Neil and I wanted to go out until Neil discovered that our boile was dripping.
The next two hours was busy with getting all the stuff out of the "shed" to access the boiler and make it stop dripping .....

Neil managed and it was 11pm - so we opened a bottle and stayed in.

Blipping my salad .....

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