
By adamwray

Mr Nonsense, a tribute.

I've been struggling for a blip topic for a few days now. I'm sat there, and my twitter feed starts going mental. A protest against Michael Gove... One of my favourite past times! Basically, all educators and students hate Gove... And rightly so, the mans a knob! I would quite happily pay odious amounts of money to watch him to take control of a class. Once more, the man starts digging into the fabulous subject of history (as if he hasn't done enough), does he know when the battle of Hastings was? (Well, probably yes cos he's an upper class toff) but that's not my point. People in future will not have these basic facts if he carries on... No, they might not use them facts everyday, but surely everyone has a right to learn the history of the great nation they live within, and be patriotic! But with the way he's going, children will having nothing to be patriotic about! RANT OVER

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