The Three Kings.....!!

It being January 6th and the Feast Of The Epiphany....while we were out walking in town I visited our local parish church to see the Crib with the Kings included before the Christmas season ends...I like it quiet and quiet time for prayer...
I’ve always (since a child) suffered from really bad anxiety attacks and claustrophobia in a very packed full church so now as an adult I give myself permission either not to go in or leave if I feel like that....and do it without any guilt....
And that’s why I think now that I really appreciate the time to go in and light a candle and sit in quiet reflective prayer.
So that’s what I did today.....lit 2 candles to include all my friends and family and all my Blip friends around the World....the other for 2 people who I know could use the positive vibes and prayer to help them face difficult times at the moment...
My extra are the cards I will send them to let them know I was thinking of them....
Our parish office has a selection of really nice cards..

January 6th is, of course, here in Ireland Nollaig na mBan...(women’s Christmas).....where tradition has it that women gathered in each other’s homes or even the local pub! to chat relax have a drink (or two)...(or tea)! and eat the last of any Christmas cake ...while the men stayed at home and took over the household duties for the day...!!!

Today’s wisdom Jan 6th..
Playing Small Does Not Serve The World....

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