Pob peth da yn dod i ben

Pob peth da yn dod i ben ~ All good things come to an end

“Goodness is the only investment which never fails.”
― Henry David Thoreau

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Heddiw gwnaethon ni bacio'r addurniadau Nadolig i ffwrdd a rhoi nhw yn y llofft. Gwnaethon ni fwyta'r darn olaf o'r gacen hefyd. A nawr, ymlaen gyda 2023 a beth bynnag mae'n cynnig. Pob peth da yn dod i ben, pob peth da yn cael eu dechrau hefyd.

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Today we packed away the Christmas decorations and put them in the bedroom. We ate the last piece of cake too. And now, on with 2023 and whatever it offers. All good things come to an end, all good things also have their beginning,

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Addurniadau Nadolig yn cael eu bacio i ffwrdd am flwyddyn arall.
Description (English): Christmas decorations being packed away for another year.

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