
…some feathers which l came across as l was decluttering yesterday.
Just cropped but left as they were.
Took down the outside Christmas display and put most of the greenery and holly wreath in the car.
Then put in the tree and other bits to take to the tip.
Just room for the stuff to go to the charity shop.
Drove to Ilkley, got rid of everything and was home before 10am.
Walked across the park to post my repeat prescription request at the doctor’s surgery.
Went to ballet, lovely to be back.
Couldn’t stay to go for coffee with my friends as l had a telephone consultation with the surgeon to be back home for.
Straightforward consultation, he outlined the procedure and told me the risks of having the operation and then l agreed to go ahead. 
Asked the million dollar question of how long it would be before l have surgery.
Not surprised it will be six months to a year.
I have calcium in my blood and have osteoporosis of the bones but both are low level at the moment and the op is to prevent further deterioration.
I feel fine so it’s non urgent to remove one of my parathyroid glands.
Obviously would like it out if the way but l’m not getting stressed about it.

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