End of 2022

Horace Silver - Sister Sadie

Had the day in Gero exploring the nearby area. Not a lot here except remnants of yesteryear, old buildings rotting in rust, some businesses still running with genuine 1960s/1980s interior designs. There are chemists still with linoleum floors and metal framed glass shelves with spaced out lotions and potions for beauty. I love it.

However, there are some newer establishments selling delicious milk and butter based food and interior designs of the 2020s (open planning with angled shelves and a Korean-esque colour scheme of neon pastels on matte boxes). It was fun walking around in the cold getting warmed up with hot drinks and snacks.

Dinner and chilling out as the clock struck midnight. Goodbye 2022, it was a tough year but one with a hopeful ending.

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