Boring picture

However I didn’t take any others today!  

Started with BP.  Home for shower and scheduled chat with my sister.  Strange that you whatsapp to agree a time for a call where in the old days you just used to pick up the phone and took a chance!  We sometimes chat when she is walking the dog but the call is always dropping out so we agreed to sit still in one place to talk ( ideally not doing something else at the same time, as bashing and crashing in the background is off putting!). As usual she did most of the talking and I did most of the listening but I’m used to it.  

I then prepped dinner (beef casserole) and put in a low oven and we headed off to Tun Wells for a wander and look around the shops.  OH bought a jumper in Hoopers and I bought new gym top in Sweaty Betty.  We called into the futon shop and bought a wooden tray - No.2 wanted a tray for Malcolm’s food bowl so I sent him a picture to gets his approval!  He said that Malcolm was being a ‘little sh*t’ - harsh words but I suppose I wouldn’t want to be woken at 4.00am for food!  The joys of owning a cat, which is why I don’t want another one?

Casserole was cooked and smelt lovely. Lazy evening.

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