POG's Journal



Hi Everyone,

Spent 4 hours in the workshop sawing bits off my Giant Halfway frame, there are three more thingies (technical term there) left to remove and then I will have to grind, file, and sand the welds that are on the frame. This truly is an exercise in the aggregation of marginal gains.

Did another turbo ride and as planned increased the duration by 1 minute. I guess once I get to 30 minutes, I will try to increase the intensity/speed. I also have a plan to start some core training as I have a rather jelly belly, I will start that next week.

I phoned the doctor for an appointment and was astonished that they are offering a face-to-face appointment… on the 16th Jan.

Just go back from having a coffee with my friend… all this meeting up with people over the last few days, maybe I am becoming mildly sociable again, I do hope not, I can’t be doing with all that fuss and bother. Anyway, I have a world masters rainbow jersey to win and it is only 268 days until the 2023 championship start in Manchester and 649 days until the 2024 championships start in Roubaix, not that I am counting – lol.

Stay happy, strong, and healthy


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