Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Starting the day

In beauty and gratitude. Then it did a dive to the bottom.

When I got in the car to go pick up Jerry at the hospital, the car was sick. It is still sick cause no time to figure out what the heck! Luckily, we have another vehicle so I drove it. Not Jerry’s big truck but a small SUV he uses so he won’t have to drive the big truck all the time. Anyway, had about an hour wait for the discharge paperwork. When I got the SUV to the pickup location Jerry had a problem getting his leg in as the seat did not go back as far as he would have liked. But he made it in.

Got home, he used the walker to get up three steps, not the best time was had here. Made it to the bathroom first before getting in his chair so he would not have to move for a while. Made lunch and then I left to take prescriptions to the pharmacy…haha the pharmacist was at lunch break and it would be over an hour before she got back. We wanted him to get the pain med in before too much time so we would be on the schedule he had in the hospital. That didn’t happen! So I left the prescriptions with the clerk and came back home.

Where I found him sitting in my chair. He said his was too big and hard to get out of. WHAT! It is over 20 years old and falling apart but he refused to let me get a new chair because “they were stiff and did not fit his body!” I told him!!! I loved saying I told you so.

Had to go back to pick up the medicine. There was a wreck in the road so I got stuck in the backed up traffic. Finally got the meds and went a different way home. Made some supper, just salad and some leftover chicken. He ate very little. Soup being made tomorrow.

Now he has had a pain pill and hopefully we can get these scheduled where they keep working well.

The next thing is he wants to go upstairs to sleep in our bed. Maybe he can scoot up on his behind.
Or maybe he should just sleep in the chair.

I think it might be a long night.

Tomorrow we go to the PT guy. What fun that will be.

He says this knee hurts differently than the left one did. Or maybe he is two years older and his old body is talking extra loud! Maybe he would have been really comfortable in a better chair.

I know tomorrow will be a better day.
Except for the car.

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