
Feeling quite washed out as I fight a cold. I think there are a lot of such viruses around at the moment. So, knitting and reading and doing very little else. Miserable day outside anyway. I will be better tomorrow I’m sure.

So I’m starting my reading of Virginia Woolf, the beautiful books I got for my birthday. I have also finished a headband made with North Uist wool and like how it has turned out.

Now I have returned to a scarf for my daughter. I made her a long, long black scarf last year (with Yorkshire wool - see here ). She wore it all last winter and requested another one in red. I got so far and then put it aside during the summer. Now I have taken it up again and hope to finish it for her birthday in a couple of weeks . . . not sure I will do that as two metres is very long and I remember the fringing took a while. Oh well at least I have a good excuse for just sitting here doing nothing but knitting, interspersed with a bit of reading . . . and fighting a virus.

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