Old and Classy

What a night and day. Sometimes I think my journals sound too much to be true but, they are factual with no exaggeration, folks. Diesel ate something that caught in his throat early last night. I’m thinking it was a stalk off the Pampas grass stubble since I saw him near it. He coughed and hacked all night. I let him out several times when I thought he was going to be sick. Therefore, there was no sleeping at my daughter’s house. I postponed my trip home till 1:00 pm so I could get a bit of sleep before driving. Just as I dozed off around 9:30 am, my cousin texted my sister and me to say my mother tested positive for COVID. I will spare you all the interim details but my son picked Momma up, got her to urgent care, grabbed her meds and she is resting comfortably in his spare bedroom at the moment. Our sister, who just got out of the hospital, and her hubby also tested positive this evening. The rest of the family is standing by ready to assist. On the way home, I saw this classic car and decided I needed an easy blip. We think it is a 1956 Ford Fairlane. Hubby took me for an ice cream (must have decided I needed a distraction especially after my traveling daughter, now in Louisiana, sent many pictures of their sundaes). It’s nice to have Millie snoozing on my lap. I am still too keyed up to rest. Take care blip friends. COVID is still very much out there. Thanks for dropping by.
“Old and Classy Ohhh ...! that's true about cars.... as much old that much classy.... moreover we can correlate same thing with love and life... the more time we spend together .... the more is the better understanding and compatibility the more years we spend together ...old is love and classy is the passion of love ... moreover classy things can't be compared with
anything new..... because old is the real gold.... and that's the real class....
if someone could understand that!!!
Nojoto” ~ Anshula Thakur

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