Selfie with Ricky

A beautiful calm and sunny day, warm as usual.  It did cloud over for a bit, didn't last long.

Up early, and headed down to the pool after breakfast.  In the late afternoon, we headed down the hill for some shopping and a walkabout.  A fine quiet evening in the hotel. 

A fine birthday night out, and back to the hotel after 2am.  Sitting listening to the live band, next we know, British former professional boxing champion walks in, Ricky Hatton.  He was a popular man amongst the crowd, we managed to get a quick chat and a selfie too.  He was an absolute gent, even wishing me a happy birthday.  L-R - Ricky, peerie Brian, me and his friend behind.  Taken at 1.50am in the Dubliner, Playa de las Américas, Tenerife.  

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