New Years eve

Compilation of all the people who are most important to me (and there are lots of others that I would like to include but I could only find a collage maker with a few pictures!).  Family and friends are so important to me, where would we be without them?

Last day of the year and we went to London to see the lights and wander around taking in the atmosphere.  We started off in the National Gallery which was packed with people sheltering from the rain.  We met No.2 briefly and had a cup of tea and cake before he went back to the studio.  We had an early dinner at Tandoor and then got the train back although the  access to Charing Cross was closed (and Temple) due to the fireworks so we walked and walked (almost to London Bridge) before catching a train.  Home by 9.00 and waiting for the fireworks but I’d rather go to bed now!

Happy New Year everyone. Here’s hoping 2023 is filled with happiness (we’ve got a wedding to look forward to) and most importantly good health for No.1.

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