
By barbarathomson

Rivendell Music Night

This looks a lot more of a rave than it was - it's just my camera can't cope with fancy lighting. 
However, this is not to say it wasn't quite an adventure finding the venue, and this within a mile of my house. It is amazing what nooks and crannies lurk within the countryside. 
I set off to find Dave Camlin's Sing-song event after work .Swirling spatters of rain shook against the windscreen as I edged the car behind my local petrol station and viewed two dark trackways, each framed with shadowy iron gates. Which to take? A tiny sign on the left hand one said 'Rivendell' so with the headlights creating arcs I bumped slowly over muddy potholes. I appeared to have entered an area with houses but no gardens or driveways attached, just hardcore space between them. The main track wiggled around each building and then turned steeply downhill, overhung with dark leylandii hedges.  Another grassless open space,  this time occupied by a few mobile homes and a now rocky track leading steeply uphill. A few dim lights hung on the fence alongside which gave me some hope but this was shaken by a set of green arrows pointing the way I had come. After what seemed an interminable time I came to another wide space with a car or two parked. Ah-ha! Multicoloured fairy lanterns lit up a wet footpath between trees. I got out and followed them, going against all the common sense of avoiding elf paths at night, but it proved to be the right choice as around the bend was the brightly lit 'Shack' with dim figures moving inside and the sound of fiddles and voices drawing me on.
So, like finding the last Homely House after wandering in the wild, it turned out to be a really good evening with friends singing, playing, composing and improvising. Enchanting!

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