Breaking Out

It has been a miserable day weather wise - rain on and off pretty much all day. I only got out a couple of times - once to refill the bird feeders ad once to get my blip photo. The daffodil bulbs that I planted at the end of October are starting to sprout about the surface of their pots. I liked this one as it had a few drop of rain on the surface.

This is a 10 shot focus stack….I used my macro lens on the trusty old 6D and focussed manually as the lens doesn’t work properly with the focus bracketing function on the R6.

I have dug out the 6D as I am not convinced that the autofocus on my R6 is working properly so I just wanted to have a play to re-familiarise myself with the old camera. I may be using it more in the future.

We have a new (to us) Wasgij puzzle lined up for entertainment this evening….it’s all go on New Year’s Eve in the madwill household!

Wishing you all best wishes for 2023, may it be a good year for you.

EDIT : The EXIF data is wrong - it is from a shot I created before the focus stack. Somehow when overwriting with the new file it has retained the old file EXIF

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