
By Thepainterswife

End of a busy day..

It's been another busy day, lots of different things on the go.
I had a choice of some other photos, as this afternoon I was at an event where I took a friends young daughter and mine to meet some of the Crusader rugby team members. But since I had only seen them last week and put a photo on here then I thought I would go for this one instead.
This is the hall at Ellas school. We were there tonight for a community school dinner put on by the school to get the parents together to have a chat about the way the school is heading and to get some ideas together for the future. We ate a hangi, cooked during the day, which was lovely.
This is the first time they have put something on like this, a evening meal for so many, but it was a really nice evening, very relaxed, and nice to catch up with some of the parents .

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