Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching


As opposed to showtime. Or both at once. 

We had a family gathering that was really lovely. Lots of catching up, lots of laughter, lots of food and booze (of course), and lots of stories exchanged. Three generations ranging from four to seventy-four. And some cute dogs. Plus it was someone’s birthday.

Broadly speaking "my" family is now in four distinct tribal groups. The very large London Fringes (who I was with tonight). The Northern branch (Yorkshire and Lancashire). The Westerners (Wales and Bristol). And my tribe - the small but perfectly formed Surrey and Kent tribe. There are also some very small satellite groups in Canada, Australia, Vauxhall, Cornwall and France. Some of these tribes and satellites are blood relations and some are by association, but all originate (recent DNA speaking) in London and they are all very dear to me. This year in particular, having achieved escaped velocity from the collateral fallout of covid (if not the virus itself) I feel particularly blessed at having such a big and fabulous network of people to love.

Couple of extras before year end (use ‘em or lose ‘em). Fab night.

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