Owls I Hope

Or I have been getting information on the wrong birds!
I noticed these whilst walking Paddy, they are recent additions to the cemetery. You can see that they are numbered and I became intrigued as to what sort of owls we have locally as I knew that not all owls are happy to nesting in boxes. Apparently three of the indigenous species are and I assume the project is designed to help them.
I found out that ideally, but not essential, the nest boxes are installed about 15 feet high, facing a clearing, preferably facing from east to south. Apparently the owls like sunning themselves from the hole in the morning - who knew!

Rugby Club first thing, like every facility we are looking for ways to reduce our energy costs. Not a lot we can do really, turn off everything that’s not essential, boilers on timers, cellar chiller on but at reduced times. We also talked about sponsors pre-match hospitality and I have volunteered to cook on the days required. Some bits ‘n’ bobs on order to put timers in place and fix some defects.

An enjoyable ninety minute coffee stop with Joshua, Tiana and Ross, a friend.

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