Syniad arall
Syniad arall ~ Another idea
“Nobody's so damn well educated that you can't learn ninety percent of what he knows in six weeks. The other ten percent is decoration.”
― Kurt Vonnegut
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Mae to Daniel yn gollwng eto. Gwnaethon ni meddwl ein bod ni wedi datrys y broblem - ond yn amlwg ddim. Ymchwiliais i'r to a ffeindiais i fod llawer o ddŵr rhwng y paneli to. Es i i lawr i'r masnachwyr adeiladwyr i brynu rhai selyddion mewn gobaith datrys y broblem eto.
Mae yna addurniadau o hyd i lawr y stryd. Roeddwn i'n gwerthfawrogi'r set hon sydd ar y llwyni hyn bob blwyddyn.
Pan ddychwelais i adref cafodd Nor'dzin syniad ... gweithredu capilari. Efallai'r roedd y dŵr yn cael ei sugno rhwng y dalennau, yn hytrach na bod y to yn gollwng fel y cyfryw. Bydd rhaid i mi godi'r ddalen uchaf a chael rhywfaint o selyddion yno. Mae'n bosibilrwydd arall am ddiwrnod arall... Pan ddydy hi ddim yn bwrw glaw.
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Daniel's roof is leaking again. We thought we had solved the problem - but clearly not. I investigated the roof and found that there was a lot of water between the roof panels. I went down to the builders merchants to buy some sealants in the hope of solving the problem again.
There are still decorations down the street. I appreciated this set that is on these bushes every year.
When I returned home Nor'dzin had an idea... capillary action. Perhaps the water was being sucked up between the sheets, rather than the roof leaking as such. I will have to lift the top sheet and get some sealant there. It's another possibility for another day... When it's not raining.
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