
omg I'm so bored
I mean
I am so thankful to have this calm, peaceful, mellow time at work to do all these important tasks that I would otherwise postpone.

I saw my friend here this morning. 

Miss Ukraine in Miss Universe has a badass national costume. It is gold metal armor with soft white fabric and blue and gold yellow wings. 

Ukraine has asked the UN to review Russia's place in it and strip it of its veto-wielding permanent seat on the UN Security Council. The Soviet Union had that seat and Ukraine is asking if Russia had the right to take it. Russia should apply for admission like other countries did. 

The National Bank of Ukraine is creating a network to ensure lenders can provide service even when electricity and internet is out. 

Ukraine reports that they are finding increasing number of deserters. There are so many deserters that the Russian military has increased patrols to find and return them. 

According to someone on Telegram, eight men aged 20-44 went to the police station in Podolsk, Russia. They had been mobilized and sent to war. They returned and brought their assigned weapons with them and turned themselves in. 

In 1905 hungry, armed men had a revolution in Russia and the tsar had to try to move to a constitutional monarchy. 

In 1917 there were TWO revolutions. 

In 1991 soldiers were hungry and Russia had a coup. Three decades ago the complete failure of Russia in Afghanistan helped destroy the Soviet Union. 

People are starting to realize that Russia cannot win the war. The economy is now massively smaller.  This time armed men surrendered. They might not always. Sometimes things move slowly until they move quickly. 

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