mystery and wonder?

I got to see a deer and, although I did take nicely focused and lit photos, I also wanted one that had blurry vegetation in front and an eye in back to make you wonder what it was
did it work? 

My last restful day was today. I got more important but boring work done. 

I also got a massive work compliment right at the beginning of the day. Huge. Shared with my boss and the head of our initiative! All about my magnificent leadership of a wildly successful program that brought pride to our department. I only had to pay $20. 

2020 I fell repeatedly.
2021 I decided not to fall all year and if one weren't semantically rigid I made it to nearly mid-year
2022 I was able to go for long walks without looking at the ground
2023 I will go on long walks with other people and try not to fall in front of them ;-P

Ukraine has purchased 1,400 drones for surveillance and intelligence gathering, but is close to developing its own attacking drones that can hit targets. They might have them in February or March. Russia is finding it difficult to combat air threats from Ukraine according to British intel. 

There is a legion of Russians fighting for Ukraine to help defeat Putin. They had to interview, take psychological tests, and get polygraphed. It is only a couple of hundred people so, while they are professionals, their impact is largely political. They make important contributions to social media. 

Russia lost five ammunition warehouses and a radar station today. 

Sebastien Lecornu, the French minister for the Armed Forces, pledged a $212 million fund for Ukraine to buy weapons. France will supply air defense equipment. France has provided Ukraine an arsenal of Caesar cannons, anti-tank missiles, Crotale air defense missile batteries, and rocket launchers. It is also training about 2,000 Ukrainian troops. 

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