Random Ramblings

By McJax

Nearly there …

Important day today - health screening that included PCR testing. We did our test at 9am, then went for breakfast. 

Early December when we found out about the PCR test requirement, we cancelled lots of social events pre-Christmas and kept a low profile to minimise Covid risk but this was still nerve-shredding. 

The tension continued as we were contacted mid breakfast to say that our tests were faulty (a batch of 6 - unlucky us) and we needed to redo them. 

An anxious 45 mins later I was showing NEGATIVE!!! (I’m sure you’d have heard my screech back in Scotland!) but …. G had yet another faulty test. So it was test number three for him and another nervous 45 mins. 

At midday, we got his result … negative too! So relieved and so happy. 

Picked up our jackets, went to the welcome briefing at 6pm and finally believe this cruise is happening.

Enjoyed a Patagonian G&T and Cape Horn lager … everything still crossed until we sail out of port tomorrow! 

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