
Favada (fava beans, carne de sol, and charque) served with vinaigrette and farofa.

One of my husband's cousins had a birthday celebration at a restaurant in the Aflitos neighborhood of Recife. The food was all excellent, but this is the only one I got a picture of before it was partially consumed. Carne de sol and charque are both forms of salt-preserved beef, with the former preserved as large cuts and usually served as thin steaks, and the latter more like a shredded jerky. Vinaigrette as the Brazilian version of pico de gallo. Farofa is toasted manioca flour which can be mixed with various other things (eggs, liver,...) and used as a condiment (especially on beans and rice). Other items we enjoy included some spectacular crab cakes and a Bahian seafood stew with rice and potatoes.

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