Like A Walk In The Park

After two days of virtual total inactivity and beginning to feel slightly stir crazy I did feel the need to get outside. So I braved an early morning run - carrying around that excess of the last couple of days slowed me down considerably but it did have the requisite effect.
Later we ventured out for a drive which just 'happened' to go past The Fields - so we stopped for a pint based refuelling before continuing our micro road trip.
We decided to stop for a quick walk down by the river on the outskirts of Maidstone and the possibility of snapping today's blip. It's not the most picturesque of locations being between a football ground and a busy roundabout but there is a small wooded area which leads towards the library. I couldn't quite capture anything until this fella appeared over my shoulder and started traversing the path. I couldn't believe my luck - sometimes getting a shot is just like a walk in the park! :-)

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