Imagine the view....

By btc

London A-Z: Xhibitionist on London Streets...

....a bit of poetic licence required but I am sure that you are all nice enough to grant me that.

So last night I was volunteering at the 'Moon Walk' a 26 mile walk for a breast cancer charity which starts at 10.45 pm in groups with the last lot going out at 12.30 am and goes through to the next morning. Because it is a breast cancer charity, you can see that the ladies, and quite a few men, do the walk in usually highly decorative bras.

Let me also say that even during a usual May night London is not the warmest place, I was wearing a thermal top under a sweatshirt under my volunteer t-shirt I was still very chilly, I know that they were walking but I have no idea how some of these people managed it. It must have looked like a peanut smuggling convention out there.

It is however wonderful what people will do for charity and to raise money for such a worth while cause and the comradery that this shown I something rarely seen among a group of human being.

If there are any blippers or volunteers out there that took part, well done to you all I hope that you had a good and safe night. As you can imagine trying to keep 17,000 women safe on the streets of London for an event that runs through much of the city's drinking a kicking out times, when unfortunately far too many arseholes unable to control themselves with a couple of drinks inside them and the sight a bit of female flesh can get a bit stupid (but I do have to say that incidences are minimal), takes quite a bit of organising and bringing together but I have a say that Walk to Walk to a remarkable job give the resources they have against an event such as the marathon.

With that it is just to say if you want to see a few more photos from the event that I took, click here, I apologise in advance for some of the grain in them and a bit of blur but I forgot my flash (doh!) so a lot of them are in complete darkness, so the ISO count was off the scale.

Only 2 more letters now until the end of the series.

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