Christmas Day walk

Bit of a slow start to the day, as Tim hadn't slept very well last night, so ended up sleeping until way past 9am.  It didn't matter as we were mostly on our own schedule all day - though we did have to rush around a bit to be ready for a Zoom call with my Mum and brother at 11am.  Lovely to see them (and my sister-in-law) :)

The rest of the day was super relaxed.  We had our traditional 'second breakfast' (poached eggs and avocado on toast) at lunchtime, after opening all our presents - and then went for a little walk round the block in the afternoon.  Wished I had my long lens on the camera for this sweet family with their Santa hats on!

Cooked dinner when we came back.  Salmon en croute - delicious, if we do say so.  Then an evening lolling in front of the TV.  Lovely day :)

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