Boxing Day Walk

Monday 26th December 2022

My nephew and his wife came over. We met them at Golden Acre Park and enjoyed a walk all around the lake. The sun was lovely but there was a real chill in the air. Back home then for some lunch and a relaxing afternoon. It will be an evening of cards after dinner.

So, I have been putting teasing comments on blip and my "number of sleeps" was Christmas Day plus one, ie today. Why? Well, I am now on annual leave until 1st January, as usual AND THEN I start a three month sabbatical. I am not back on duty until 1st April. That's why it has been extra busy just recently, as I have tried to plan for three months of being off duty and sorting out a handover. Most of the items on the To Do list got done, I've just a few left, which I will do at the end of this week. I already feel really relaxed. This will be a time for personal refreshment. Technically, in this diocese, it is called study leave ... my "study" will be "Mindful Photography as a Mission Opportunity." I intend to do some reading and also use my photos to create more books and resources and make a plan for leading a Quiet Day.  

I last took a sabbatical in 2013. That time I went mad with travelling, this time there will be more reading and prep. I called the last one The Big Adventure, I'm not sure what to call this one. I re-read my blips from last time the other time and was surprised to read how many times I said I was exhausted. I must take care to make this one a time to recharge properly. I have a few photography workshops booked and I look forward to you joining me on the journey. Here starts 96 of no pressure.

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