Christ is born

Sunday 25th December 2022 - CHRISTMAS DAY

HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! With blessings for today and the New Year.

Bed at 2am, awake at 7am but nearly went back to sleep! 8am service, home to pre-record the service for Wednesday on Facebook, back for 10.30am service. 

I love asking the children to bring their presents to show us. We had 4 children this morning. Once they had showed me their presents I said I was going to show mine but one boy said "I know. You say the same thing every year." Well, taken down by a child! :-) My sermon isn't the same every year but he is right of course, the story is the same and the present is always the same! :-)

It was strange to finish the service today and pack up ... but more of that tomorrow. One more sleep! :-))

I headed over the Pennines to mum and, as usual, 5 mins after I arrived a wonderful full Christmas dinner was on the table. I am now struggling to stay awake.

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