
An afternoon ride up into the foothills of the Lammermuir Hills. This stoney path is above, eh... Stoneypath Farm. I wonder where they got the name?

The view is north to the East Lothian coast with left to right North Berwick Law, the Bass Rock and the Isle of May visible in the sea if you have a large view.

Large East Lothian.

My plan was to ride west into the wind, then return east with the wind whisking me along the valley from Deuchrie to Spott. But by the time I got to Deuchrie, via some excellent fun descending with river splashes, it was time to head home.

I had intended to set off earlier and get up higher, but neither of those things happened. Still, I was high enough to find some Scottish Rights of Way signs for Whiteadder and Lauder via the old drove road. I've been over the Herring Road many times but not from Stoneypath, so that's for another day.

This was a 3-bike day: The tandem this morning to ferry the children around town, this mountain bike in the afternoon and finally the little Brompton which took me to the station and is now folded in the luggage rack on the way to London. Lots of fun :)

Sorry to wave goodbye to Dave and Russell today after 2 fun-filled days together. Katie and Russell were particularly close, he had a big sister and she had a little brother for a while. It was lovely to watch them. They'll be back next year we hope so the plan is to be pen-pals through the year. Letters from HONG KONG to look forward to !!

London about 10 tonight, hotel, sleep, offices by Brompton tomorrow. Looking forward to it!

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